CAF mobile app catalogue CMS


ReactJS/React Router, NodeJs, Loopback/Express, Swagger, Browserify, GulpJS

The Chelsea App Factory (CAF) is a mobile app consultancy based in Fulham, London.

I was working in their innovation lab (METH Lab) where the team was developing a catalogue of white label native mobile apps, which could then be easily re-branded and sold on to enterprise clients.

I was tasked with creating this project from scratch, which included both; deciding the general front-end architecture, and configuring the build tasks using Gulp.js.

The only constraint placed on me was that ReactJS was to be used for front-end rendering (this project was used as a pilot project to trial the use of ReactJs for future projects throughout the organisation). I chose a modern front-end tech stack which consisted of; ES6/Babel/Browserify, Sass, JSDOM, Mocha and Chai (for testing).

I worked within an agile project team and worked closely with both the UX designer and the product owner to get the full requirements (both user and business) before creating the views and components using React/React Router.

Initially I had to create a mock API data because the actual API wasn't ready due to the backend developer (who was also the CTO) being pre-occupied with other projects. I created API documentation using both the Swagger 2.0 and JSONSchema standards.

When it became apparent that the backend developer was going to be tied up for the foreseeable future I was had to develop the actual API using the Loopback NodeJs framework (based on Express).
