MobBill Insights UI

PHP, HTML, CSS, Mustache, Python, internationalisation (i18n), localisation (l8n).

Mobbill and Mobstuff are start-up companies which form part of the MobGroup corporate group. MobBill is a mobile payments company that specialises in mobile operator billing and operates in Europe and the Americas. MobStuff is an adult content company that operates in multiple territories also. In my capacity as front-end web developer I was involved in the process of getting the two of the companies to market as their launches were dependant on each other in that:

  1. MobStuff needed a payment provider to launch its paid for services in Europe
  2. MobBill needed a demo site in order to pass mobile operator compliance testing in each territory (as did MobStuff for each service it planned to launch).

The approach taken was to create localized sites for each country/brand and to integrate MobBill payments so both companies could pass compliance testing.


For Mobstuff I created the page templates using the PHP Mustache template engine, which were styled using Foundation/Sass for the smartphone versions (later changed to Bootstrap) and plain CSS for the lite site versions. All HTML generated by these templates passed W3C validator tests with no errors.

The text strings where stored in a static JSON file and internationalised using PHP gettext and localised by a member of our sales team using poEdit. Image assets that contained strings (e.g. banners and buttons) where localised using a hand-coded Python script to help reduce the time spent by our (over-worked) designer making image amendments whenever a price was changed.

The templates used in these demo’s were utilised by the back-end Java developer in the live sites pf the companies brands (initially PinkPapayas and OysterBar).

In addition to the demo site I created and managed several splash pages used by the company across their campaigns. Google Analytics integration was needed to help track campaign performance and to track traffic sources (various ad networks). JavaScript and CSS3 were used for some of the more advanced smartphone focused landing pages and Adobe Fireworks aided the design of some of the assets.


In order for MobBill to be able to launch I had to create their payment widgets which would appear on the payment pages of their merchants websites, and serve as the interface for end users to make payments. These widgets where created using HTML and CSS and I had to test them to ensure that they worked on as wide a range of mobile devices as possible.

Also I to work with a back-end Java developer to create demo’s that allowed the whole user flow of a payment to be tested so that MobBill could pass compliance testing.
